Can I visit Canada with a DUI?

It’s no surprise that many Seattleites travel roughly 110 miles to the Canadian border for either business or pleasure. Driving time from your starting location on Interstate 5 to the border crossing is slightly under three hours. It is, therefore, not uncommon that visitors are stopped at the border for something as seemingly insignificant as a prior DUI conviction. The best DUI attorney in the country may still not be able to secure the best possible outcome for your entry to Canada. Get in touch with the best-reviewed immigration consultants in Abu Dhabi.

The ability to cross the border depends on whether or not you have any outstanding warrants or criminal charges related to drunk driving. Due to significant differences in Canada’s approach to handling these situations, knowing what to expect and how to deal with them in advance is vital. Please call yellow box immigration to learn more about how a Seattle DUI attorney from our company can assist you through the process and prevent surprises. Yellow box immigration might be your best visa counselor and mentor if you’re looking for the top Visa Consultants in UAE to relocate overseas. Make an appointment for a no-cost, no-obligation review of your case by calling now.

Traveling to Canada: Some General Advice

The laws of Canada impose limitations on the ability of non-Canadians to enter the nation, and participation in particular illegal activities may prevent one from entering the country. In most cases, the authorities will examine how a crime committed in Canada is comparable to a crime committed in the United States. Whether driving under the influence in Washington is a severe misdemeanor or offense does not make any difference since our neighbors to the north do not distinguish between crimes and misdemeanors. According to the law, driving under the influence of alcohol is an indictable offense. 

Getting a DUI in Washington State May Be Cause for Denial

Government employees can refuse entrance to anybody with a felony conviction. Due to your indictment status, the court can still bar you from participating despite not filing charges. Long-term consequences include being detained at the Canadian border for up to ten years following a conviction for driving under the influence. The only way to avoid this undesirable outcome is to employ one of two possible exemptions:


Suppose you have avoided criminal conduct after completing your drunk driving sentence. In that case, you may be able to enter Canada without waiting the required ten years if you qualify under Canada’s rehabilitation program. However, the minimum period of eligibility for this choice is five years. More recent DUI offenses will render this option ineffective.

Temporary Resident Permit

The exemption applies regardless of recent convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol. You must present a comprehensive justification for why you should be permitted to enter the country before going on to the next process step and submitting the proper documents.

Benefits of Hiring a DUI Attorney

If you hire an attorney, regardless of whether you qualify for any exemptions, you have a greater chance of succeeding in entering Canada. Applicants must provide supporting documents from their drunk driving case while filling out applications. An attorney can help you collect the necessary paperwork and work with Canadian authorities to secure a letter of authorization for lawful admission into the country. As the best immigration consultants in Abu Dhabi, our consultants are a highlight of the service we provide.

Yellow box immigration helps with Washington DUIs.

Contact yellow box immigration, as it is the  Leading immigration consultant in the UAE, to arrange a no-cost first consultation about your case if you’re interested in learning more about entering Canada with a DUI. Our team can assess your situation and formulate a plan to prevent entry denials. While your case is underway, our legal team may help you with drunk driving accusations in Washington.

We are your Canada Immigration ConsultancyContact us or check our website to find out how a DUI attorney from our office can help you.

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