How I succeeded as a newcomer to Canada

The pleasant people, the legalization of marijuana, and Justin Trudeau’s alleged hotness (oops, are we allowed to say that?) are all probably true of the tales you’ve heard about Canada. But before you travel to The Great White North or the True North as it is often known, you should know a few things about it. It is where the best pure maple syrup is produced, skiing is unreal, hockey is the national sport, and health care is genuinely free. Unfortunately, choosing the best Canadian skilled immigration consultancy is not so easy. Several skilled workers from Visa Consultants in Abu Dhabi, India, and Sri Lanka are interested in migrating to Canada. But it is not so easy for a newcomer to succeed in Canada. Any person coming to Canada must follow some of the rules and regulations of the Canadian government.   

 Never compare Canada to America.

Comparing Canada to North America irritates Canadians more than anything else, but why is that? They will tell you that you are far from the truth, no matter how hard you try to show that Canada and America are the same. Even though the two nations are connected by land and share a similar “look,” there are few other shared characteristics. Canada is very proud that it has its stringent set of laws, traditions, manners, customs, and political ideas that are in no way comparable to the United States.

Never satirize hockey

Canadian hockey is similar to American football. It is the most popular and widely watched sport in the nation. They are so passionate about the game that they practically take off the gloves if someone makes an offensive comment about any of the teams, players, the Stanley Cup, other national leagues, or almost anything related to hockey! Although it is widely believed that Canadians are extraordinarily lovely and generous, they won’t hesitate to sucker punch a jerk who thinks he can disparage the wonderful game of hockey, the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), or even “The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky.   

Never become overwhelmed by all the French.

Don’t be confused if you chance to be walking throughout Canada and hear several folks speaking French. This is because the French inhabited a piece of the nation when they attempted to claim the nearby territory of Newfoundland in the early 1500s. That region evolved into Quebec and Montreal, which the British eventually fought for before it attained independence in 1867.

Don’t bother going to Starbucks when you’re in Canada.

We are aware of the blasphemy! But when in Canada, you should follow local customs, right? Tim Horton’s, which began as a fast-food restaurant business and Canada Business Immigration Consultancy back in the 1970s, is their equivalent of Starbucks. Miles Gilbert “Tim” Horton, a hockey player who was even voted one of the greatest NHL players of all time, founded it. Don’t mention that, even if you don’t enjoy their coffee much and want Starbucks.

Canadians apologize frequently.

They say it for every situation. As well, they will frequently use this phrase in place of “excuse me,” “pardon,” or simply “sorry,” and it’s not merely to express regret either. Best visa agency in uae. While this may be one of the reasons Canadians are regarded as being exceedingly polite, make sure you never forget to reciprocate their “I’m sorry” with your own.

Yes, even if you weren’t at fault, they might be polite, but if you don’t reply in the same way, they’ll feel insulted.

Do not imitate a Canadian accent.

At least, for the most part, accents are lovely. However, if you don’t talk with an accent naturally, don’t try to imitate one, either, especially if it’s a Canadian accent. When someone tries to embellish their speech, Canadians feel very humiliated, and most of the time, they never get it right anyhow. So while you may think you sound cute while doing it, you just come out as a jerk. Best immigration consultant in Abu Dhabi How would you feel if someone entered your nation and began mocking the way you speak? Even the way Canadians say dollar coins are cute, referring to one dollar coins as Loonies and two dollar coins are called Toonies.

However cute these names are, Canada Immigration Consultancy taking them with you when you return home will be completely worthless. Instead, try to utilize every single one of these Canadian coins when making purchases on your trip unless you want to preserve them as souvenirs. Banks usually convert your paper bills back into the currency of your choice, but they won’t accept your coins, leaving you with essentially worthless money.

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